Tag Archives: capturing

Poetry by Grace Givens (4/6/14)

Pussy, money, weed, pussy, money, weed,
Pussy, money, weed
Pussy, money, weed.
Now that I have your attention I pray you will listen to me,
I’ve got a message from God that I must set your souls free,
Use any means necessary to rid you of your shackles,
Go to war if I have to, to destroy societal blindfolds.
You have been drowning in stupidity for far too long,
Shucking and jiving to the same old crow and lynch songs.
Niggas wake up,
This coonery has outstayed it’s welcome in your genetic make up. Niggas and nigga bitches alike,
I must offend until you get some act right.
Act on and write these wrongs,
Take your place where you belong.
Where is your sovereignty? What happened to you village?
Kings, queens, chiefs, spiritual advisors, awaken and take arms against their pillage.
They having been raping our motherland far too often,
Fight back, and send them zombies back to their coffins.
Use your voodoo,
If you have to.
Call upon the powers in the earth around you,
Don’t allow their misedited texts to ground you.
You can fly, I’ve seen you teach angels,
Don’t let them make you forget, understand their angle.
A tree is only weakened when destroyed at the roots,
They understand and monopolize on this, protect your youth.
Stop allowing them to call emotions a disease,
Stop letting them ruin the innocent I beg of you please.
Don’t let them take their energy, give your children back their power,
Please be conscious of the fruit you’ve been sowing, for the reaping has turned sour.
They have turned us against each other so we can be as savage as they have described,
They made us forget, everything we ever needed to survive is already inside.
They have you on welfare but understand they don’t care about your welfare.
They want to keep you gated in projects so you don’t see the world as you once did because they know there is wealth there.
Wake up!!!!
I’m serious…. can’t you hear the alarms?
The red flags are everywhere, and yet you still feel safe from harm!?!?
Wake up!!!!! I’m sick of fighting alone,
You have to stop eating the lies they feed you, and understand that the only truth you’ll recieve is your own.
Wake up!!!!
Before pussy money weed is all that’ll be left,
And you’ll be too busy producing new slaves, getting high to even notice that the skills you possess and the physical properties you created, are worth more than any paper check.
Wake up!!!!!

(She is one of the GREATEST poets I have ever had the pleasure of hearing perform and being able to read her poetry. You may not believe yourself a beckon of light leading us back to the motherland but I do. Your poetry is powerful and capturing and resonates truths that not many have even begun to process. Thank you for your creativity, for your passion, for your power, and for you poetry. I am so happy to know you, your mind and your heart <3)