Tag Archives: freedom

Funding Freedom for Ky Peterson (1/29/15)


***trigger warning: rape, sexual assault, battery, violence towards transgender people

Yes, rape can reach anyone at anytime in any situation under any circumstance.

And sometimes, when we have a chance to do something about sexual violence we don’t.

This is a chance to do something about rape culture and working to combat the injustice around sexual violence:

1. Please read Ky’s Story if you are not triggered by the topic of sexual assault.

2. Please donate to Ky’s Funding Freedom fund within your range of finance.

3. Please spread his story and help him in his fight for justice. Whenever you do share, please incorporate trigger warnings for those who discussions and stories of sexual assault are disorienting.

His life and his story are very important so do what you can ❤

In Hope and Healing,


F.L.Y (poetry)

“F.L.Y” by Mykell Hatcher-McLarin 6/25/14

Let’s strap infinity to our backs and
Let’s strap infinity to our backs and
Fly, Fly
There’s no destination
There’s no limitations
Let’s strap infinity to our backs and
Fly, Fly
There’s no expectations
There’s no reservations
Let’s strap infinity to our backs and
Fly, Fly
Let’s strap infinity to our backs and

Pyro-Revolution (poetry)

“Pyro-Revolution” by Mykell Hatcher-McLarin 4/30/14

How often do we lite fires?
Pyro-revolutionaries burning down the veil blocking our view of freedom and truth.
Set ablaze the night where the prison guards can’t find us amongst smokescreens as we pick open locks to let out our awareness.
Wildfire caught hold of the tabloids meant to keep us distracted from Uncle Sam painting bars to look like fences with a white-washed brush and telling us this our place in the American Dream.
Textbooks turned into the balls of chains as students line up to learn their History outside of the complex was only to clean the greener grass for those who could afford to walk freely in the suburbs.
Ever lite up a book that spread a false start?
Ever watch the story of the victors crumble into ashes as the story of the fallen revealed itself underneath words written in their blood?
I’m drunk in love with the idea that parties are held around bonfires.
Throw in the liquor of an ego and the bundles of ignorance used to numb our minds so we may watch them disintegrate.
Let’s roast privilege on the staff of oppression and devour the system till we’re full with conquest over systematic control.
The skies will light up from the blaze that spreads across nations of people no more willing to watch justice be extinguished.
Watch the veil burn.
Watch the complex burn.
Watch the system burn.
Ignite the revolution and remember how powerfully beautiful your eyes look over an open flame.

THE [(POTENTIALLY) HARD] QUESTIONS (Inspired by Dr. Lashay Harvey)

So Dr. Lashay Harvey has made it to my blog before and now she has returned. She posted a serious of questions about one’s sexual self. So I took the liberty to answer them. Here is the link to her questions:


And here are my answers:

Who are you sexually?
A Watcher of Signs. An Explorer of Truths. A Lover of Kisses and Cuddling. Shy at Start, Extroverted by End. Underestimated but Extravagant when given the Chance to Learn more about Body (and inherently the Soul) within the Shared Space.

How did you become this person?
Being Aware of Myself and Paying Attention to Everything in the Shared Space – Energies, Vibes, Sounds, Expressions, Body Language, etc.

Do you like the sexual person you have become?
I don’t believe I dislike the sexual person I’ve become yet I know there is much more of my sexual self that I would like for me to feel comfortable showing to myself and others.

Are you proud of your sexual self?
I’m proud of where I’ve come from where I’ve been. Much life to live and experience.

Do you hate your sexual self?
Naw, I could improve more though. I do wish my sexual self would explore more. Be more assertive in expressing my desires when I want them. Mostly an issue with confidence. When confidence is in the shared space then my sexual self improves as a result.

What is the name of the best lover you’ve ever had?
Each lover brings a new aspect to the space where our bodies, our minds, our spirits meet and I don’t want to discredit any of them for the ways we connected.

Is the best lover you’ve ever had you…?
The love that happens with another doesn’t happen without me present so I guess the best lover I’ve ever had would be me because that’s how the connection begins and ends.

Where do you feel sexually inadequate?
Taking more time to linger. I could do better there. Fully appreciating the body more. A work in progress.

Where do you feel sexually free?
When the only expectation is to enjoy and make the most out of the connection and be present while we’re sharing and experiencing this moment together (even when the moment is with myself).

Have you talked to Jesus about any of this?
Naw, not the fundamentalist Jesus.

What did he say?
Not sure they are a dude persay

Not a fan of Jesus? Cool. Well, have you talked to any supernatural being about your sexual self?
Since I believe every type of connection is a spiritual one, I’ve had several conversations with the Great Spirit about my sexual self (mostly because the Great Spirit is an extension of self and I talk to myself about my sexual self quite often).

Do you feel ashamed or guilty after you watch porn?
Nope, not at all.

You don’t watch porn? Ok, well how about after you masturbate? You don’t masturbate either? Ok, send me an email so we can rectify that.
Nope, I don’t feel a need to be apologetic for trying to build a deeper connection/realization with my sexual self. Can’t possibility communicate my desires to anyone else if I don’t know them.

Who loved the way your genitals looked?
I actually kinda dig how my piece looks.

Who made you feel ashamed about the way your genitals looked?
Nobody, that I can remember. And if they tried, I probably wasn’t listening (which is probably why I can’t remember if so).

What are your sexual fantasies? You don’t fantasize either. Send me that email ASAP.
I have numerous. Most under a brightly lite moon with humming involved and laughter and a hand placed gently on my chest where my heart is, mine where their heart is, creating poetry with our hearts, masterpieces with our bodies and a dance with our souls. Some are rather raunchy or kinky, some are rather romantic, some are rather long, some are rather short. yet all of them speak to me somehow and come back to sex being art that is being created by those involved.

Fundraising for Freedom

Hello Beautiful People,

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted up an ask for a fundraising campaign yet here I am again. To be honest, this is still a difficult process for me to ask for help but I’m learning I already have the no, so I gotta fight for the yes and if I want help, I have to speak and ask for support. The urgency of launching this campaign is very real because as you’ll find out in the description of the fundraiser – my surgery date is on May 30th and I need all my funds by May 16th. That sounds really soon, I know, and trust me it’s still hitting me but I earnestly need your help to make my surgery happen. If you can donate (and it not break your budget or pocket), please do. If you can share this link (and not have detrimental repercussions for doing so), please do. Helping hands and giving hearts are always appreciated. Also, if you’re in the area and you see me, please give me a hug (that helps sooo much you have no idea). Below I have provided the link to the fundraiser and I just hope that ya’ll help me get there:


With Love & Affirmation,

Poetry by Grace Givens (4/6/14)

Pussy, money, weed, pussy, money, weed,
Pussy, money, weed
Pussy, money, weed.
Now that I have your attention I pray you will listen to me,
I’ve got a message from God that I must set your souls free,
Use any means necessary to rid you of your shackles,
Go to war if I have to, to destroy societal blindfolds.
You have been drowning in stupidity for far too long,
Shucking and jiving to the same old crow and lynch songs.
Niggas wake up,
This coonery has outstayed it’s welcome in your genetic make up. Niggas and nigga bitches alike,
I must offend until you get some act right.
Act on and write these wrongs,
Take your place where you belong.
Where is your sovereignty? What happened to you village?
Kings, queens, chiefs, spiritual advisors, awaken and take arms against their pillage.
They having been raping our motherland far too often,
Fight back, and send them zombies back to their coffins.
Use your voodoo,
If you have to.
Call upon the powers in the earth around you,
Don’t allow their misedited texts to ground you.
You can fly, I’ve seen you teach angels,
Don’t let them make you forget, understand their angle.
A tree is only weakened when destroyed at the roots,
They understand and monopolize on this, protect your youth.
Stop allowing them to call emotions a disease,
Stop letting them ruin the innocent I beg of you please.
Don’t let them take their energy, give your children back their power,
Please be conscious of the fruit you’ve been sowing, for the reaping has turned sour.
They have turned us against each other so we can be as savage as they have described,
They made us forget, everything we ever needed to survive is already inside.
They have you on welfare but understand they don’t care about your welfare.
They want to keep you gated in projects so you don’t see the world as you once did because they know there is wealth there.
Wake up!!!!
I’m serious…. can’t you hear the alarms?
The red flags are everywhere, and yet you still feel safe from harm!?!?
Wake up!!!!! I’m sick of fighting alone,
You have to stop eating the lies they feed you, and understand that the only truth you’ll recieve is your own.
Wake up!!!!
Before pussy money weed is all that’ll be left,
And you’ll be too busy producing new slaves, getting high to even notice that the skills you possess and the physical properties you created, are worth more than any paper check.
Wake up!!!!!

(She is one of the GREATEST poets I have ever had the pleasure of hearing perform and being able to read her poetry. You may not believe yourself a beckon of light leading us back to the motherland but I do. Your poetry is powerful and capturing and resonates truths that not many have even begun to process. Thank you for your creativity, for your passion, for your power, and for you poetry. I am so happy to know you, your mind and your heart <3)