Tag Archives: belief

One of the most powerful and pervasive things about fear (false.evidence.appearing.real) is that it appears real. REAL. It will have you earnestly believing it to be true. That you don’t deserve happiness. That you don’t really have deep feelings for someone. That you shouldn’t leave one job for another. And the more you choose fear, the deeper these ‘beliefs’ become. They become habitual and second-nature. So deep that eventually fear replaces faith. And that’s dangerous and treacherous

Zerandrian S. Morris

When we shackle ourselves to the belief we must be in charge of everyone’s growth & happiness we create guilt & frustration in ourselves & dependence & resistance in those we try to rescue. We only have keys which unlock our own leg irons.

I give advice sparingly and only when asked.

Sue Patton Thoele (via Vann)