Tag Archives: change

Changing What’s Inside (5/14/16)

So this has a double meaning. On Friday, May 6th, I finally got my hysterectomy. All my reproductive organs were removed thus removing my ability to become pregnant. How excited am I? Extremely! At some point in my journey I was very hung up on having biologically related children in my life. Then I came to terms with the truth that family, regardless of biological or social relation, is created. I have family that I have no blood ties to however are more family than some of my own family. This is because what ties one another to each other is not the blood we share however the spiritual essence, the energy we decide to extend to one another. I have always found strong connections that have not been based in the biological sense of family however in the spiritual sense. They have been unbreakable and unwavering through and through.

And even that beneficial transgression has deep relation to the whole purpose of this post. I constantly go through the process of changing what is within me to truly be able to reflect and stand in my truth. This part was changing the internal makeup of my body but what came before that was changing what I believe to be the process of creating a family for myself and continuously manifesting who I am in this body, in this life, in this dimension of time.

I am in a space of meditation in which I am wrapping my mind around many different elements of thought. Processing prospectives and experiences I’ve had and what they look like now. Thinking of the people I’ve known and  the kinds of people I want to continue to know and who I should let go of. What and who do I have to be patient with in this journey of self. When I look in the mirror am I confident in the light that reflects from within, the love that radiates from my heart and soul. Knowing I have ultimate dictation over how I will be Me in this life.

I am sitting here, just thinking of how far I have come and all I had to experience to get here. And all I will experience in the times to come. This is all a journey of changing what is within. This is just another step.

I have spoken and will continue to speak to the need for real “break down” lanes for those of us who are often in the midst of change, leadership, policy making/policy changing – places where we can fall apart, be a mess, be in the deepest truth of our pain and have the grace and space to work our way through, without losing social/political/spiritual credibility…

Louis Mitchell

The Art of Getting By by Quinn Kelley (4/4/14)

Thank you Quinn Kelley for yesterday’s Diamondback article “The Art of Getting By”! I feel like she did an overall amazing job with the article, should definitely take a look:

The Art of Getting By by Quinn Kelley (4/4/14)

I think it is so paramount to continue to have these conversations about the lives of Transgender people. In a realm we’re here to learn about difference people’s lived experiences as well as our own, I am glad that there are people such as her who truly do life up the voices of those who sometimes struggle to be heard. I am so humbled and honored to be a part of this story and that my voice was one of the voices to be lifted up ❤ I am also SO HAPPY that Luke Jensen, Nick Sakurai, Erin Iverson, Penny Jacobs and so many other pivital people had their voices heard for they have been astounding in the process of making this campus more accepting and more safe for ALL students regardless of gender (and sexual orientation). I have no doubt that we will all continue to progress and move forward and build up this community!

(P.S. – Maryland Protections for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Folk! Woooot Wooooot!!! :D)

When someone tells you who they are, believe them

[Name Withheld]

I had to learn and now strongly believe that this notion of “changing people” needs to stop. No one but the persons themselves can change themselves. Only we can change ourselves.

When someone says to you, “I don’t like to go out in the rain.” The first thing you do isn’t take them out into a rain storm! You acknowledge that about them. You don’t have to agree with that sentiment. You don’t have to accept that into your own life. But what they told you is true to them and if anything is to change about what they told you, it’s going to be THEIR DECISION.

I believe in asking questions of understanding: “How come? I would just like to understand a different perspective.” I believe in asking thought provoking questions, “What makes you not like the rain?” I believe in making people think and evaluate their own process for their own growth. BUT throughout that process there shouldn’t be an expectation for that person to change the way they think or commit to their truth.

We can Influence others.
We can Support others.
We can Challenge others.
We can Inspire others.

We cannot Change others.
Only They can Change Themselves.
Only We can Change Ourselves.

Hate Doesn’t Justify Change: Thoughts on Chest Reconstruction Surgery (2/24/14)

You don’t have to hate yourself in order to want to change something about yourself. I know people do. I can’t nor will deny or invalidate that feeling. Shit I used to feel that way too: hate myself (because I feared parts of me and let that stem in hatred). What caused that for me was cuz I felt like I had to. I feared that if I love myself that means I couldn’t justify any feelings of discomfort and need to change. Felt like it was necessary to hate myself to want better for me. What I found out, and continue to be reminded of, is I don’t have to hate myself to do better, to change, to grow. From starting the process of loving myself, I actually did more in helping me better me than hating myself ever did. And I purposefully say process of loving self because I haven’t “mastered the art” of self-love nor will I because it’s not a pentacle that one reaches. Self-love is a forever evolving and growing and rehashing process. But one that I’ve at least started. Of course, there are parts of me I’m uncomfortable with but hating myself for those things don’t help me. Quite the contrary, hate hurts and that pain is one no one should feel they have to hold onto. So I guess the point of this is just to say: Hate Doesn’t Heal, Love Does. You don’t have to hate yourself in order to justify a change. If anything, the biggest changes you will make for yourself will be because you feel you deserve better/the best which is a part of practicing self-love ❤ those are my thoughts

With Love & Affirmation,

Stop AIDS discrimination by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Louisiana

Stop AIDS discrimination by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Louisiana

BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana (BCBSLA) is rejecting checks from a federal program designed to help these patients pay for AIDS drugs and insurance premiums and has begun notifying customers that their enrollment in its Obamacare plans will be discontinued because it will no longer accept “third-party payments.” This funding was established through the Ryan White CARE Act of 1990 which has been crucial to ensuring that those living with HIV and AIDS can gain access to the medication they need.